Written by Lola Omokanwaye (Columbia University)
Edited by Joseph Hinton (Brown University)

Lola attended On The Revel – an industry event in New York City. The rest was history.
The Hiring Process
As I was sitting in the audience listening to this woman humbly yet confidently articulate her strategic use of resources to excel within the cannabis industry, I began to wonder if would be able to do the same. Little did I know that within the next couple hours, I would begin my own journey to success.
After her talk was over, I wanted to ask her a little bit more about her career in consulting, seeking to learn more about what cannabis consulting looked like. Thankfully, Nadir was there to introduce me to this woman: Ashley Picillo, the CEO of Denver’s Point7, a “tenured, global management consulting firm dedicated to the commercial cannabis industry” that prides itself on its “holistic, seven-phase service” that it offers to clients.
I figured that Ashley probably didn’t have much time to talk, so I knew I had to be concise and intentional with my words in order to leave a good impression. In other words, it was time to deliver my elevator pitch. Honestly, I don’t remember what I said-but I know that it worked- because at the end of our short chat, Ashley inquired, “Do you want a summer internship? It would be paid of course.”
I replied without hesitation, “Yes, that would be amazing!”
The Job: Living and Working in Denver
After a couple interviews, intense searches through Denver housing groups, and a hectic and tiresome traveling experience (moving 3 months’ worth of stuff across the country is no easy task), it was time for my first day on the job. I had no idea what to expect. Was there an office dress code? Should I have tried to take a crash course on cannabis industry essentials? What kind of people would I be working with? What would I even be doing?
Three days into my internship, I was chilling on my boss’s couch, hanging out with my coworkers and enjoying a family dinner that they prepared. It didn’t take long for me to realize that my coworkers were some of the most amazing people I’d ever met and that working for Point7 was a privilege. Although I was doing basic level administrative work, my coworkers taught me about the industry and professional life more generally. Despite my worries, my internship started off like a dream job. I was working in an industry I am passionate about with people who were as fun as they were caring. And Denver, with its mountainous scenery and sunny skies, was a beautiful place to work.

The Pivot
Any time someone would need to be redirected on an assignment, we called it a pivot. Halfway through my internship, I had to pivot 180 degrees.
Missouri was doing their first round of licensing applications and we had a ton of clients to attend to: more than the company had ever dealt with before. This meant the company needed more hands on deck so I was tasked with working on my first application prompt. At this moment it is important to note that, as a STEM student, writing is not exactly my forte. Yet there I was, working on a paragraph that was potentially worth thousands of dollars. Needless to say, I was pretty nervous about doing it.
Upon completion, I meekly notified my supervisor that I was finished and quickly scurried off to the bathroom to calm my nerves. I came back to nothing but praise for my work. While that stamp of approval felt amazing, it would ultimately lead to some of the most hardworking times of my career.
Once everyone, including myself, realized I could write, I kept getting assignments left and right. I went from working no more than 8 hours a day in the office, to spending almost 10 hours a day writing, drafting, and editing. While this may sound hellish, this was some of the most fun I’ve had doing work in a while. I learned that being around good people not only made work easier, but also increased my motivation. My coworkers were like my family and I didn’t want to stress them out because I was slacking on my assignments. Plus, that overtime paycheck felt so great when it hit my account.
See You Later, Denver
Outside of work, I had so many amazing and life altering experiences while exploring the city itself. Denver really is a gem of a city that everyone should explore at least once.
All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better summer experience, and, with that, I must thank SMART for connecting me with all these amazing people who can help me find amazing experiences like the one I had this past summer.